Flash Sale 快閃特賣
Flash可用在很多生活英文單字中,如flashlight一按就閃開的燈光,即手電筒;camera flash則是相機的閃光燈,我們通常都是跟turn on、turn off的動詞片語搭配使用。
Flash也可用在片語中,如a flash of understanding指的是「突然」明白了某事,後面的understanding可用insight替換。Flash in the pan則是慣用語「一閃而逝的名氣」,也有人會說15 minutes of fame,不管用flash或是15 minutes都是強調時間很短暫。
Freebie 贈品
這個字中間的「free」是大家熟識的意思-免費的,因此這個單字指的便是「an article or service given free」,不論是商品或是服務只要不收費,英文就可以用這個單字表達。然而,這個字是口語說法,通常講話或廣告中才會使用。從這個概念延伸,另兩個多益常見單字coupon和voucher不可不知。
Coupon 優惠券
Coupon指的是「優惠券」,在coupon上常見的廣告用語有:「Buy one, get one free」買一送一、「20% off your next purchase」下次消費打八折等。
voucher 兌換券
Let Espresso Wash do your laundry fast!
Now you can stop worrying about your laundry! Leave it to Espresso Wash! Just bring in your laundry and we'll do all the rest. At Espresso Wash, we do all the washing and the ironing. No need to wait at all! Within 24 hours, we'll deliver your washed and ironed clothes. What's more, you can avail yourself of our 5th anniversary promo. You'll get a 10% discount for every 5 kilos of your laundry, and 25% discount for every 10 kilos. This promo lasts only until December 30, so hurry! Visit us with your laundry today!
1. What service is not included?
(A) Delivery.
(B) Pick-up.
(C) Washing.
(D) Ironing.
題目問「什麼服務不包含在內?」文中說「Just bring in your laundry and we'll do all the rest.」所以顧客只要自己送洗衣物,剩下的washing、ironing和delivery就交給他們處理。(文中有提到we'll deliver your washed and ironed clothes.)
2. How much is the discount for laundry weighing 10 kilos?
(A) 10%
(B) 15%
(C) 24%
(D) 25%
答案(D),題目問「10公斤的衣物可以獲得多少折扣?」文中說到「25% discount for every 10 kilos.」所以答案是(D)。注意不得選(A),因為題目問的是10公斤的衣物,非5公斤的衣物。
3. When can a customer get the laundry?
(A) By December 30
(B) The next day
(C) Today
(D) By the 5th anniversary date
答案(B)。題目問「顧客何時可以收到送洗衣物?」文中提到「Within 24 hours, we'll deliver your washed and ironed clothes.」24小時內可收到送洗衣物,所以最合理的答案是(B),隔天可以收到。選項(A)12/30指的是這優惠方案的截止日,不是收送洗衣物的日子。