◆ 本列車開往淡水。
This train is bound for Tamsui station.
be bound for 開往
Slaves were loaded onto ships which bounds
for America.
◆ 請勿緊靠車門。
Do not lean on doors.
lean on 倚靠、依賴
◆ 搭乘電聯車時,請留意隨行長輩及孩童的安全,並遵守先下後上的乘車秩序。
When taking the MRT, please take care of
accompanying elderly passengers or children. Let arriving passengers alight
alight (adj.) 點亮的 / (v.) 下來、降落
Jackson is a man with chivalry. Every time
he gets out of the car, he helps his wife to alight.
◆ 往台北 101 的旅客,請由 2 號出口 出站,謝謝。
Passengers for Taipei 101 please exit by
Exit 2.Thank you.
◆ 當列車關門警示音響起,請勿再強行進入車廂,謝謝。
Do not force your way through the doorway
when you hear the buzzer that indicates the door is closing.
indicate (v.) 象徵、指示
If you really want to send her flowers,
choose them wisely. It is said that red flowers indicate secrecy, and yellow
flowers suggest jealousy.
◆ 本列車在此臨時停車,請稍後。造成您的不便,敬請見諒。
The train has stopped temporarily, please
wait. Thank you for your patience.
◆ 列車將在此停靠,以利轉乘的旅客上下車。
We’ll stop here for a short time for
transfer passengers to join us.
◆ 在車站及列車上,請勿吸煙、飲食、嚼食口香糖或檳榔。
Please do not smoke, eat, drink, chew gum
or betel nut in Taipei Metro system.
◆ 請勿在車廂間通道逗留。
Do not linger on the gangway.
linger (v.) 逗留、徘徊
We’ve been discussing this issue for almost
an hour, we cannot linger over the details anymore.
◆ 勿將手指靠近門縫。
Keep hands clear of the door.
◆ 往新店方向的旅客,請至對面月台候車。
Passengers traveling toward Xindian should
depart from the opposite platform.
◆ 緊急時按此鍵紐與行控中心人員聯絡。
In case of emergency, push button to
communicate with the control center.
◆ 請發揮愛心將座位優先禮讓給需要的旅客。
Please yield your seat to those in need.
yield (v.) 屈服;退讓、讓出 /
(n.) 收益、產量
◆ 請往車廂內部移動以利其他旅客上下車。
Please move into the center of the car so
that other passengers can move in or out of the car easily.
◆ 車門即將關閉。
Door’s closing.
◆ 往士林夜市的旅客,請由 1 號出口 出站,謝謝。
Passengers for Shilin Night Market please
exit by Exit 1. Thank you.
◆ 下車時請注意月台間隙。
Mind the gap.
◆ 終點站到了,請記得隨身攜帶的物品,謝謝您的搭乘。
Terminal station. Thank you for traveling
on Taipei Metro.